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Made-in-Italy landscape Architecture

Sandrini Green Architecture company deals with Landscape Architecture at any extent and everywhere in the world: private villas, resorts, hanging gardens, vertical gardens, holiday facilities, property developments and urban parks.

Designing a landscape means to plan a beautiful, pleasant and functional environment starting from the respect for place identity and for every single customer’s wish and dream.  Creativity, Expertise and Passion are the basic ingredients of Sandrini’s recipe for drawing up a great design. For the Company, designing means combining several specific skills by coordinating every member of the team in order to achieve the best result as possible. As a matter of fact, designing and planning the realization of a garden, a park or a green area are delicate tasks and involve multiple aspects. The factors that shall be considered are a lot and they are different in kind. The characteristics of the soil, climate, environment, requirements and external aspect of the plants, flowering times and leaves chromatisms, water and lighting are only some of the elements that are analyzed in this phase. The activities of Sandrini company develop through a coeherent course which involves care and attention, a real landscape architecture: from the initial design to the planning of irrigation and lighting systems,  to the furniture and every necessary complementary furnishing.  Care and professionalità are constant in all the occasions: sometimes green is the leading actor, whereas in other cases it serves for bringing out the other elements of the natural landscape.

According to Sandrini Company, designing a landscape is a work of architectural design: the designers working at Sandrini company create arrangements with a pleasant and fascinating structure, thus creating a functional, lively and natural context.